Educational Supervisors
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Phone: 01162584917
1. Describe the roles of Educational & Clinical Supervisors as well as other relevant parties
2. Demonstrate knowledge of and familiarity with the Portfolio, ARCP and workplace assessment methods
3. Formulate useful learning objectives and suggest ways in which they might be addressed
4. Demonstrate the ability to give constructive educational feedback to a trainee
5. Support a trainee in difficulty and devise a developmental plan
9.30 – 10.45 Roles of an Educational Supervisor
What makes a successful supervision meeting
1045 – 1100 Coffee
1100 – 1230 Workplace based Assessments
Purpose & Content of a Portfolio
ARCP and trainee revalidation
1230 – 1315 Lunch
1315 – 1445 Providing Career Advice
How to give constructive feedback & documentation
1445 – 1500 Tea
1500 – 1615 Identifying & Managing a doctor in difficulty
1615 Reflection and Evaluation
1630 Close
This course covers the standards set out by the Academy Of Medical Educators
ensuring safe and effective patient care through training
establishing and maintaining an environment for learning
teaching and facilitating learning
enhancing learning through assessment
supporting and monitoring educational progress
guiding personal and professional development
continuing professional development as an educator.
The GMC expects Educational Supervisors to have received appropriate training in order to be Recognised for their Supervisor role
Venue: Clinical Education Centre, Leicester Royal Infirmary
Venue Phone: 0116 258 6626