A message of gratitude from the UK CMOs and Medical Directors of Public Health England and NHS England can be found here.
UPDATED: 04/05/2020
HEE have published the latest information relating to recruitment process and ARCPs
The cancellation of face to face recruitment processes has led to an unavoidable delay in the overall recruitment timeline. Recruitment timelines have been revised and it is envisaged that all recruitment processes will be completed in time to ensure that commencement dates remain as August 2020.
2. Enabling Progression at ARCP
To enable as many trainees to progress to the next stage in their training as possible, a number of changes have been introduced for ARCPs which are scheduled to take place before August 2020:
1) Redefining the composition of ARCP panels to facilitate as many ARCPs as possible to be carried out;
2) Ascertaining the minimum curriculum requirement, compatible with maintaining patient safety for each specialty for each year of training to inform when a trainee can progress;
3) Identifying compensatory evidence that ARCP panels can consider when normal evidence is not available;
4) Defining critical progression points for each training programme;
5) Prioritising ARCPs when there are pre-existing significant concerns about the clinical capability/fitness to practise/revalidation of the trainee or where the trainee is at a critical progression point in their programme
6) Introduction of two new ARCP Outcomes – Outcomes 10.1 and 10.2 which recognise that the trainee was achieving progress and developing competences/capabilities at the expected rate but that acquisition of some capabilities has been delayed by the impact of COVID-19.
Updated: 30/04/2020
Coronavirus (Covid-19) information for trainees
Covid-19 Specialty Recruitment Plans
UPDATED: 01/04/2020
Supporting and Escalating Concerns in Clinical Education during Covid-19
Each organisation will have policies that enable its staff to raise and escalate concerns and HEE would encourage healthcare learners to raise any concerns in this way in the first instance, particularly if the above minimum requirements are not being met. However, it is important that, during this time of intense pressure on NHS services, HEE also continues to enable learners to provide feedback on the clinical learning environment.’
UPDATED: 31/03/2020
Letter to trainees from Health Education England.
UPDATED: 27/03/2020.
- Temporary suspension of PYA process during Covid 19
- Advice from Medical Schools on actions surrounding Covid-19.
UPDATED: 19/03/2020.
UPDATED: 18/03/2020.
Health Education England have issued guidance to trusts on managing the impact of COVID-19 in medical training. A letter from Professor Sheona Macleod can be found on iNsite and updates will be posted as soon as they are released.
The Postgraduate Dean has also released a statement along with a guidance document.
The joint Chief Medical Officers, National Medical Director and GMC have issued a letter with regards to supporting doctors.
All of these documents can be found in the Clinical Education section on iNsite.
For any further Coronavirus updates or information, please go to the iNsite homepage where you will see the tab for Coronavirus.
UPDATED: 13/03/2020.