Our Doctors

Undergraduate Education

Phase 1

Phase 1

Early clinical experience that considers all disciplines in the context of a patient’s presentations.
Phase 2

Phase 2

Focusing on evolving clinical learning through apprenticeship in the form of hospital placements.


Supporting University of Leicester Medical School end of year and final exams

Training Programmes

Foundation Programme

Foundation Programme

This is a two-year training programme for newly qualified doctors and is necessary to practise as a doctor in the UK.
Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine Training

IMT is a three year programme which includes experience in intensive care medicine, geriatric medicine and outpatients.
General Practice

General Practice

General practice / family medicine is defined as the medical specialty that manages common illnesses.
Core Surgical Training

Core Surgical Training

Core Surgical Training follows the ISCP curriculum which includes generic skills applicable to all surgeons.

Team & Resources

Clinical Skills Unit


Each centre has a variety of rooms and lecture theatres available for booking.



Access Learning


Book a Course or Conference

Attend a course or a conference to continue your learning within your field


Other resources such as E-Learning and Publications to continue your learning within your field


Take a look at our tailored videos to continue your learning within your field


Find all of your favourite videos and resources in one place

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Senior Doctors

For consultants and SAS doctors at UHL
Senior Doctor header
Senior Doctors Tablet
Senior Doctors Mobile
Senior Doctors Desktop
Senior Doctor Tablet
Senior doctor Mobile

Local support for our senior doctors

The Department of Clinical Education support senior doctors, both consultants and SAS grades, from all specialties. We work closely with all our colleagues, internally and externally, to support our senior doctors and educators.


Our Doctors Tick
Our Doctors Tick Mobile

Education, Research and Clinical Excellence

University Hospitals of Leicester has an outstanding track record in education, research and clinical excellence.
Our Doctors Tick
Our Doctors Tick Mobile


Leicestershire and Rutland has a multicultural population and culture which is reflected in UHL’s diverse workforce, making the local area a great place to work and live.
Our Doctors Tick
Our Doctors Tick Mobile

Career Development

There is active encouragement of the development of Consultants careers with flexibility within the job planning process to allow both local, national and international roles within management, education and research.

Useful information for senior doctors

The GMC requires all named Clinical and Educational Supervisors to be ‘recognised and approved’ trainers.

At UHL, we provide our supervisors with online Clinical Supervisor training on the local system (HELM) as well as a programme of face to face Educational Supervisor training. Other accredited supervisor courses are also accepted by the trust. UHL’s list of approved trainers is maintained by the Department of Clinical Education and this is periodically shared with NHSE.

Educators are expected to identify their roles in job plans as ‘ePAs’.

Educational roles are defined as level 2, 3 or 4 and this is reflected on the job planning system. The allocation for an educational Supervisor (level 2 role) is 0.125ePA per trainee/locally employed doctor up to a maximum of 0.5 ePA. Other roles attract recommended time allocations which will be negotiated and agreed by the relevant Heads of Service during the job planning process.

Educators with time in their job plans are expected to include these roles as part of their scope of practice at appraisal

The UHL appraisal system has the functionality to enable appraisal evidence to be uploaded prior to the meeting

This is our educator networking programme which aims to support our colleagues involved in PG and UG Medical Education.

This Department of Clinical Education led programme includes:

  • Regular Podcasts covering educator CPD, highlighting some of the work our educators do and providing important updates to medical education in Leicester
  • Offering a focal point for an educator ‘community of practice’ to facilitate networking & collaboration
  • Local Teaching Improvement Courses (see ‘Courses’ tab above)
  • Resources and useful information on this website

Click here to learn about our Faculty Focus podcast on Spotify

Information for SAS Doctors

The SAS doctors in UHL are supported by the clinical education department in their educational endeavours.

They have access to study budget and study leave. There is also a social network group of these doctors. There is guidance regarding CESR applications from the department.

Generic courses are run by the department. In the future they would aim to help achieve competencies required to continue pay progression in the new SAS doctor’s contract.

Supporting consultants in their new role at UHL.

As part of the Induction process at UHL, a senior member of the Department of Clinical Education team meets with all New Consultants to discuss how they can be supported in their role as a trainer and supervisor. We will also introduce you to the many enhanced educational roles we offer in collaboration with Leicester Medical School and Health Education England.

UHL have annual Medical Educator Awards to recognise the hardwork and dedication of our staff.

The awards are launched in May with a presentation ceremony in September. There are a number of categories for senior doctors:

  • Most Supportive UHL Supervisor (Consultant/SAS Supervisor)
  • Most Inspiring Role Model
  • Outstanding Contribution to Training

There are additional categories for junior medical staff, an education team, educational support and an innovation award. An initial nomination process invites all UHL staff to nominate a colleague. A voting process follows whereby a winner and runner up are identified from each category.

Training Programmes


Contact Us

For more information or to get involved please contact us.

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