Last week we went live with a new Bank shift booking app for doctors to remove paper form processes for shift booking and pay, improve shift visibility, and provide greater transparency on how our pay rates compare to the peers.
The app, Locum’s Nest, allows doctors to book shifts electronically on mobile devices and allows rota teams to post available shifts using the app’s web-based platform.
The major benefit of Locum’s Nest is that it has been built by clinicians, for clinicians and eradicates the need for paper processes that lead to pay errors and paperwork delays. The app supports all the processes from shift completion to pay approval, and can start as soon as the shift ends, speeding up the administration process for all involved.
The app has so far been rolled out to Respiratory services with over 300 users currently benefitting from the platform’s user-friendly experience. The app will go live for emergency and specialist medicine and cardiology from 14 November. A wider rollout will continue throughout November.
Medical Director, Andrew Furlong, extended his thanks to the people directorate transactional team, led by Karen Ceesay for the rapid improvement made on the back of staff survey feedback and doctor listening events. He said: “This is a really positive change for our workforce and it makes identifying shifts so much easier.
“The app is very easy to use, literally go to the App Store, download it, put a bit of information and then you are signed up to the bank. The shifts available are all there available to book.
“There are other benefits in being able to look at other Trust’s rates as well and it’s good to see that the work that has been done on Locum rates shows that we now benchmark competitively.
“This will remove the pain points of the past, it’s a fantastic initiative.”
Doctors can download the app by searching “Locum’s Nest” in the Apple App store or via Google Play on Android.
The adoption of Locum’s Nest is part of the suite of improvements being made across UHL based on Staff Survey responses given in 2021. We want to keep making the changes that matter to you – so please complete the 2022 Staff Survey using the personalised invite in your UHL email before 25 November. For more information on the changes, we have made click here.