Our clinical teaching fellows based in the Clinical Education Centre are in the process of organising an exciting event for doctors in training.
The inaugural Emerging Careers Conference for Doctors in the East Midlands (ECCDEM 2023) is an independently organised regional event that aims to showcase innovative work and research undertaken by trainees and medical students in the early stages of their training.
Our intention is to provide a stepping stone for our early phase doctors to gain confidence in submitting an abstract and presenting at a conference – something many of them will not have had the opportunity to do before.
The conference will be taking place in College Court, Knighton on Saturday 20th May. Last month, the committee were delighted to confirm two exciting keynote speakers – Dr Daniel Gearon, CEO of mental health charity You Okay, Doc? and Professor Steve Peters, renowned psychiatrist and author of The Chimp Paradox.
As well as the opportunity to hear from our distinguished guest speakers, delegates will be able to attend a range of interactive workshops throughout the day, pertaining to our themes of Innovation in Clinical Practice, New Developments in Medical Education and Mental Health and Wellbeing. These include an ultrasound skills session, a teaching the teachers workshop and even a surgical escape room!
For more information, please see our website (Emerging Careers Conference for Doctors in the East Midlands (ECCDEM 2023) – Clinical Education (uhl-clinicaleducation.org)) or email us at uhlteachingfellows@gmail.com.
Dr Harry Knifton
Clinical Teaching Fellow in Surgery