Our Doctors

Undergraduate Education

Phase 1

Phase 1

Early clinical experience that considers all disciplines in the context of a patient’s presentations.
Phase 2

Phase 2

Focusing on evolving clinical learning through apprenticeship in the form of hospital placements.


Supporting University of Leicester Medical School end of year and final exams

Training Programmes

Foundation Programme

Foundation Programme

This is a two-year training programme for newly qualified doctors and is necessary to practise as a doctor in the UK.
Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine Training

IMT is a three year programme which includes experience in intensive care medicine, geriatric medicine and outpatients.
General Practice

General Practice

General practice / family medicine is defined as the medical specialty that manages common illnesses.
Core Surgical Training

Core Surgical Training

Core Surgical Training follows the ISCP curriculum which includes generic skills applicable to all surgeons.

Team & Resources

Clinical Skills Unit


Each centre has a variety of rooms and lecture theatres available for booking.



Access Learning


Book a Course or Conference

Attend a course or a conference to continue your learning within your field


Other resources such as E-Learning and Publications to continue your learning within your field


Take a look at our tailored videos to continue your learning within your field


Find all of your favourite videos and resources in one place

Whats On



NHS Staff Survey 10-27 Letter to Postgrads

Dear Colleagues,

The NHS Staff Survey is now live, and hopefully you will have received an e-mail link from Picker with regards to completing this.   If, having checked junk mail, you still can’t find the link, please contact Picker (our survey provider) by emailing: PickerNSS22@picker.org. The survey is open to all staff who were in post at UHL before September 1st 2022. 

The Staff Survey is anonymous and provides really important feedback for us about what it feels like to work in our hospitals and highlights areas of excellence but also areas that could be improved upon.

There is much to be proud of working in UHL but we also recognise that we still have a lot to do. The information we get from the Staff Survey is essential for us to create change and improve care for our patients and the well-being of our staff.

As a result of your responses to the Survey last year, we identified 12 basic improvement commitments including car parking, on-call facilities, IT, estate, experience of working here, paying people on time, recruitment, welfare and well-being and equality, diversity and inclusion. You may not have experienced a change yet, but we are committed to improving what it feels like to work and receive care at UHL.

Please complete the survey – it doesn’t take long to do.

We promise you your anonymous views and comments will make a difference. We care passionately about your lived experiences, and we will use the information in the survey to improve UHL.

Andrew                                                                              Mark

Medical Director                                                               Director of Medical education
